Media WebUI


Border Colors

There are border color classes for most colors in the WebUI color palette. The simplest format used for these is border-[color], which will affect all borders of an element. You can also specify which border to color by using the format border-[side]-[color]. For example: border-top-accent-1.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-md border-info">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-lg border-top-success">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-xl border-top-dark border-left-danger">

If the element being styled already has a border with the required width, then there is no need to use a border sizing class.

Border Sizing

The following example demonstrates border sizing.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-xs">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-xl">

Border Sizing Classes

Classes available for border sizing.

Class Width
border-initial 0
border-xs 0.063rem (Framework default)
border-sm 0.125rem
border-md 0.188rem
border-lg 0.25rem
border-xl 0.313rem
Border Color

Using one of the above classes without a border color class will show a border in the default border color defined in the current WebUI theme.

Rounding Example

The following example shows how to use rounding classes.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-md border-accent-1 rounded-sm">
      <span class="place-middle-center">rounded-sm</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-md border-accent-1 rounded-md">
      <span class="place-middle-center">rounded-md</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-md border-accent-1 rounded-lg">
        <span class="place-middle-center">rounded-lg</span>

Rounding Classes

Classes for rounding borders.

Class Radius
rounded-sm , rounded-top-sm , rounded-left-sm , rounded-bottom-sm , rounded-right-sm 0.188rem
rounded-md , rounded-top-md , rounded-left-md , rounded-bottom-md , rounded-right-md 0.388rem
rounded-lg , rounded-top-lg , rounded-left-lg , rounded-bottom-lg , rounded-right-lg 0.588rem
rounded-pill , rounded-top-pill , rounded-left-pill , rounded-bottom-pill , rounded-right-pill 100vmax
rounded-full , rounded-top-full , rounded-left-full , rounded-bottom-full , rounded-right-full 50%

Behavioural Example

The behavioural classes provide color changes on hover or focus events. The format is as described above, but with the addition of hover or focus. For example: border-right-hover-success or border-top-focus-dark.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-md border-hover-accent-1">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-lg border-bottom-hover-accent-3">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-xl border-right-focus-info border-left-focus-warning" tabindex="0">
        <span class="place-middle-center">Focus</span>


Boundary Example

Boundaries are available in only one size and make use of CSS box-shadow to create a boundary inside the element border.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm boundary-info">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm boundary-top-success">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm boundary-top-dark boundary-left-danger">


There are boundary classes for most colors in the WebUI color palette. The simplest format used for these is boundary-[color], which will affect all sides of an element. You can also specify which side of the element the boundary will appear using the format boundary-[side]-[color]. For example: boundary-top-accent-1.

Class Width
boundary-* 0.188rem

Behavioural Example

The behavioural classes provide color changes on hover or focus events. The format is as described above, but with the addition of hover or focus. For example: boundary-right-hover-success or boundary-top-focus-dark.

<div class="table-row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="table-col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm boundary-hover-accent-1">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="table-col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm boundary-bottom-hover-accent-3">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="table-col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm boundary-right-focus-info" tabindex="0">
        <span class="place-middle-center">Focus</span>

WebUI only supports hover and focus boundaries on all sides or a single side of an element.


Outline Example

Outlines are available in only one size and make use of CSS box-shadow to create an outline outside the element border.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm outline-info">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm outline-top-success">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="width-md height-md border-sm outline-top-dark outline-left-danger">


There are outline classes for most colors in the WebUI color palette. The simplest format used for these is outline-[color], which will affect all sides of an element. You can also specify which side of the element the outline will appear using the format outline-[side]-[color]. For example: outline-top-accent-1.

Class Width
outline-* 0.188rem

Behavioural Example

The behavioural classes provide color changes on hover or focus events. The format is as described above, but with the addition of hover or focus. For example: outline-right-hover-success or outline-top-focus-dark.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm outline-hover-accent-1">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm outline-bottom-hover-accent-3">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Hover</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md border-sm outline-right-focus-info" tabindex="0">
        <span class="place-middle-center">Focus</span>

WebUI only supports hover and focus outlines on all sides or a single side of an element.


Shadow Example

This example demonstrates the 3 shadow classes available.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md info-dark shadow-sm">
      <span class="place-middle-center">shadow-sm</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md info-dark shadow-md">
      <span class="place-middle-center">shadow-md</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-md height-md info-dark shadow-lg">
      <span class="place-middle-center">shadow-lg</span>

Shadow Classes

There are 3 shadow classes available in WebUI: shadow-sm, shadow-md and shadow-lg.

Class Description
shadow-sm Creates a small raised effect.
shadow-md Creates a medium raised effect.
shadow-lg Creates a large raised effect.

User Feedback

Feedback Example

The feedback-* classes generate a short duration shadow effect for 3 event types.

<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <button class="button-lg button-dark feedback-hover">feedback-hover</button>
  <div class="col">
    <button class="button-lg button-dark feedback-focus">feedback-focus</button>
  <div class="col">
    <button class="button-lg button-dark feedback-active">feedback-active</button>

Feedback Example

Classes for visual feedback effects.

Class Description
feedback-hover Creates a short duration shadow effect around an element when the hover event is received.
feedback-focus Creates a short duration shadow effect around an element when a focus event is received.
feedback-active Creates a short duration shadow effect around an element when the active event is received.


Transitions Example

This example uses some of the transition classes available.

Short border focus transition
Medium boundary focus transition
Long outline focus transition
<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-lg height-lg border-lg border-focus-info border-color-transition-short" tabindex="0">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Short border focus transition</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-lg height-lg border-sm boundary-focus-success boundary-transition-medium" tabindex="0">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Medium boundary focus transition</span>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="container width-lg height-lg border-sm outline-focus-accent-2 outline-transition-long" tabindex="0">
      <span class="place-middle-center">Long outline focus transition</span>

Transitions Classes

Full list of transition classes with description.

Class Description
transition-short, transition-medium, transition-long Affects: All properties.
color-transition-short, color-transition-medium, color-transition-long Affects: color only.
background-color-transition-short, background-color-transition-medium, background-color-transition-long Affects: background color only.
border-color-transition-short, border-color-transition-medium, border-color-transition-long Affects: border color only.
boundary-transition-short, boundary-transition-medium, boundary-transition-long Affects: box-shadow only.
outline-transition-short, outline-transition-medium, outline-transition-long Affects: box-shadow only.
width-transition-short, width-transition-medium, width-transition-long Affects: width only.
height-transition-short, height-transition-medium, height-transition-long Affects: height only.
left-transition-short, left-transition-medium, left-transition-long Affects: left position only.
top-transition-short, top-transition-medium, top-transition-long Affects: top position only.


Cursors Example

The cursor can be changed for any element and WebUI supports the 6 most commonly used types.

<div class="flex-row flex-items-initial gap-sm text-sm text-center">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-default">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-pointer">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-copy">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-move">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-help">
  <div class="info-dark pad-xs cursor-disabled">

Cursor Classes

Cursor classes available in WebUI.

Class Description
cursor-default Sets the cursor property to default.
cursor-pointer Sets the cursor property to pointer.
cursor-copy Sets the cursor property to copy.
cursor-move Sets the cursor property to move.
cursor-help Sets the cursor property to help.
cursor-disabled Sets the cursor property to not-allowed.



This is a list of various classes and descriptions related to visibility.

Class Description
hidden Sets the display style to none and removes the element from the document layout.
block Sets the display style to block.
inline-block Sets the display style to inline-block.
inline Sets the display style to inline.
invisible Sets the visibility property to hidden, keeping the element in the document layout.
visible Sets the visibility property to visible.
screen-reader Sets the specified element to be accessible to screen readers only.
overflow-hidden Sets the overflow property to hidden.
overflow-visible Sets the overflow property to visible.
faded Sets the opacity property to 0.
opaque Sets the opacity property to 1.
toggle-parent Establishes a focus toggle context for a toggle child element.
toggle-parent-hover Establishes a hover toggle context for a toggle child element.
toggle-child Defines a child element that will be shown or hidden based on the type of toggle parent.



This is a list of various classes and descriptions related to media elements.

Class Description
image Sets an image element to block level with a maximum width of 100% and auto height.
media-fill Sets the object-fit property to fill.
media-contain Sets the object-fit property to contain.
media-cover Sets the object-fit property to cover.
media-scale-down Sets the object-fit property to scale-down.
media-none Sets the object-fit property to none.
media-container-21x9 Defines a container for establishing an aspect ratio of 21x9.
media-container-16x9 Defines a container for establishing an aspect ratio of 16x9.
media-container-4x3 Defines a container for establishing an aspect ratio of 4x3.
.media-container-3x2 Defines a container for establishing an aspect ratio of 3x2.
media-container-1x1 Defines a container for establishing an aspect ratio of 1x1.
media-content A child element to a media container. (This element contains the actual media).



This is a list of miscellaneous classes including layers and resizing.

Class Description
layer-initial Sets the z-index of an element to auto (Default).
layer-top Sets the z-index of an element to be above all other WebUI component z-index settings.
resize Allows a resizable control to be resized on the X or Y axis.
resize-x Allows a resizable control to be resized on the X axis.
resize-y Allows a resizable control to be resized on the Y axis.