Media WebUI


Tooltips are a popular way of displaying hints to the user, and can help guide and make the user's experience more intuitive. Although an initial size is set on the tooltip, they are able to automatically downsize for smaller screen areas. A tooltip that is initially large may switch to medium or small when displayed in a confined space. Similarly, a tooltip may reposition itself if within a confined space. There are classes that can be used to override this automatic behaviour. See the second example below.

Tooltip Scopes

NOTE: Tooltips are configured to operate within a specified scope. In the JavaScript settings for following example, a scope of body has been set, but the scope can be set to a single section or container within the page if required. Multiple scopes can be used within a page, but only one per instance.

Tooltip Example

The following example shows how to use tooltips.

NOTE: Component instance properties are optional and can be omitted if the default settings are acceptable.

Basic left tooltip
Basic top tooltip
Basic bottom tooltip
Basic right tooltip
<div class="row text-sm col-padding-md">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-hover tooltip-left tooltip-sm tooltip-dark">
        Basic left tooltip
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-hover tooltip-top tooltip-sm tooltip-dark">
        Basic top tooltip
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-hover tooltip-bottom tooltip-sm tooltip-dark">
        Basic bottom tooltip
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-hover tooltip-right tooltip-sm tooltip-dark">
        Basic right tooltip
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
webui.ready( () => {

  var tooltipContext1 = webui("body").tooltipControl({
    autoPositioning: true,
    autoResizing: true,
    autoPositioningMargin: 0,
    transitionDuration: 300


Tooltip resizing and positioning

Tooltips use viewport boundary collision detection to attempt to avoid the possibility of being placed off screen or partially off screen. On larger screens and when the browser window is resized or scrolled the re-positioning functionality is dominant, but as the screen area gets smaller the tooltip re-sizing becomes more dominant with re-positioning more restrictive. What that means is that on a phone for example, the tooltip would likely stay at the smallest width and normally be located at the top or bottom of the target element. If, on the other hand the web page is viewed on a desktop screen, tooltips would be much more likely to stay at their original size.

Tooltip Type Classes

One of the following tooltip type classes must be specified.

Class Description
tooltip-hover Causes the tooltip to show while hovering over its target control.
tooltip-focus Causes the tooltip to show on focus of its target control.
tooltip-static Use this option if you just want to show or hide tooltips manually with javascript.

Sizing Classes

One of the following tooltip sizing classes must be specified.

Class Initial Width
tooltip-sm 7.813rem
tooltip-md 10.938rem
tooltip-lg 14.063rem

Positioning Classes

One of the following tooltip positioning classes must be specified.

Class Description
tooltip-top Initial position of the tooltip is at the top of its target control.
tooltip-left Initial position of the tooltip is to the left of its target control.
tooltip-bottom Initial position of the tooltip is at the bottom of its target control.
tooltip-right Initial position of the tooltip is to the right of its target control.

Additional Classes

The tooltip-close class is optional, is similar to menu-close and would normally be applied to a button or a link inside the tooltip.

Class Description
tooltip-close When added to an element inside the tooltip container, selecting the element will close the tooltip.


WebUI provides a set of standard JavaScript tooltip functions. The behaviour of tooltips is controlled by the JavaScript initialisation as shown in the examples below.

Function Description
showTooltip(tooltipWrapper, message) Shows a tooltip. (Required for manually showing static tooltips).
hideTooltip(tooltipWrapper) Hides a tooltip. (Required for manually hiding static tooltips).
update(newSettings) Updates the tooltip instance at runtime using the configuration settings.

Function Arguments

The purpose of each tooltip function argument.

Argument Description
tooltipWrapper The outermost tooltip element with a class of tooltip.
message The string or HTML message to be shown in a tooltip.
newSettings An object literal containing a comma separated list of settings.


Javascript settings available for the tooltips control.

Property Description
autoPositioning Sets the automatic repositioning behaviour of tooltips. Default: true.
autoResizing Sets the automatic resizing behaviour of tooltips. Default: true.
autoPositioningMargin Sets the margin between the tooltip and viewport edge before the tooltip is repositioned. Default: 0.
transitionDuration Sets the fade in duration in milliseconds when a tooltip is shown. Default: 300.

Overriding Instance Settings

Some tooltip settings can be overridden using opt-out CSS classes on individual tooltips. See below.

The autoResizing setting has been overridden by adding the tooltip-noautosize class.
<div class="row text-sm">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip">
      <div class="tooltip-hover tooltip-right tooltip-lg tooltip-dark tooltip-noautosize">
        The autoResizing setting has been overridden by adding the tooltip-noautosize class.
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
webui.ready( () => {

  var tooltipContext1 = webui("body").tooltipControl({
    autoPositioning: true,
    autoResizing: true,
    autoPositioningMargin: 0,
    transitionDuration: 300


Override Settings Classes

Classes used to override configuration settings are listed below.

Class Description
tooltip-nopadding Removes the default padding from the tooltip content area.
tooltip-noautopos Stops the tooltip from automatically positioning regardless of component settings.
tooltip-noautosize Stops the tooltip from automatically resizing regardless of component settings.
tooltip-noautohide Stops the tooltip from closing automatically on exiting events.

Showing and Hiding Tooltips Programatically

There may be cases when you need to show or hide tooltips via javascript. You can do that simply by specifying an id on the tooltip wrapper, calling one of the WebUI functions and optionally specifying a message. Below is some javascript to configure options and explicitly show a tooltip.

Static and focus type tooltips can be closed by using the Esc key if focus is on the tooltip target element.

<div class="row gap-md text-sm">
  <div class="col-fixed">
    <div class="tooltip" id="tooltipStatic">
      <div class="tooltip-static tooltip-bottom tooltip-sm tooltip-dark text-sm"></div>
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
  <div class="col-fixed">
      <button id="tooltipStaticShow" class="button-sm button-info">Show Tooltip</button>
  <div class="col-fixed">
      <button id="tooltipStaticHide" class="button-sm button-info">Hide Tooltip</button>
webui.ready( () => {

  var tooltipContext1 = webui("body").tooltipControl({
    autoPositioning: true,
    autoResizing: true,
    autoPositioningMargin: 0,
    transitionDuration: 300

  ui("#tooltipStaticShow").click( () => {
    tooltipContext1.showTooltip(ui("#tooltipStatic"), "Static tooltip with message.");

  ui("#tooltipStaticHide").click( () => {



Tooltip Customisation

As with all components in WebUI, tooltips may be customised in a number of ways. However, they are a bit limited when larger amounts of content are required due to pre-defined widths and padding. This is not going to be a problem as WebUI is flexible enough to allow significant customisation.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei decore nonumy tamquam ad, cu alienum adipiscing per. Cum tamquam albucius ex, his ad prima nostrum menandri. An usu facilisis neglegentur, ius amet perfecto definiebas an. Eu legere sanctus interesset qui, ridens impedit persecuti sit eu, vidit diceret nam eu.

<div class="row text-sm">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="tooltip width-full" id="tooltipEnterValues">
      <div class="tooltip-focus tooltip-top tooltip-lg tooltip-accent-2 tooltip-nopadding tooltip-noautosize rounded-md">
        <div class="flex width-full height-xl">
          <div class="flex-col flex-grow border-sm light rounded-sm">
            <header class="accent-2-light pad-sm">Header</header>		
            <p class="flex-auto pad-sm">
              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei decore nonumy tamquam ad, cu alienum adipiscing per. Cum tamquam albucius ex, his ad prima
              nostrum menandri. An usu facilisis neglegentur, ius amet perfecto definiebas an. Eu legere sanctus interesset
              qui, ridens impedit persecuti sit eu, vidit diceret nam eu.  
      <input id="textURL" type="text" class="input-sm rounded-sm width-full accessibility" />
webui.ready( () => {

  var tooltipContext1 = webui("body").tooltipControl({
    autoPositioning: true,
    autoResizing: true,
    autoPositioningMargin: 0,
    transitionDuration: 300
Tooltip Pointer

In order to set the tooltip pointer colour a tooltip theme colour must be specified - in the above example tooltip-accent-2 is used.

If the pointer arrow is not required use tooltip-transparent instead.

Component Updates

Run-time Tooltip Updates

Settings specified for the tooltipControl instance can be updated programatically at run-time. See the following example, which sets the autoPositioning and autoResizing settings to false. Use the restore button to revert the change.

NOTE: All tooltips on this page will be affected by the change as they are all within the same scope and component instance.

Select buttons to update this tooltip.
<div class="row gap-md text-sm">
  <div class="col-fixed">
    <div class="tooltip" id="tooltipUpdate">
      <div class="tooltip-focus tooltip-lg tooltip-top tooltip-dark text-sm"></div>
      <input type="text" class="input-sm width-md-lg">
  <div class="col-fixed">
    <button id="tooltipUpdateCommand" class="button-sm menu-button-info">Update Settings</button>
  <div class="col-fixed">
    <button id="tooltipRestoreCommand" class="button-sm menu-button-info">Restore settings</button>
webui.ready( () => {

  var tooltipContext1 = webui("body").tooltipControl({
    autoPositioning: true,
    autoResizing: true,
    autoPositioningMargin: 0,
    transitionDuration: 300

  ui("#tooltipUpdateCommand").click( () => {
    tooltipContext1.update({ autoPositioning: false, autoResizing: false });

  ui("#tooltipRestoreCommand").click( () => {
    tooltipContext1.update({ autoPositioning: true, autoResizing: true });



WebUI provides a single function that can be used to update the tooltip instance settings at runtime.

Function Description
update(newSettings) Updates the tooltip instance at runtime using the configuration settings.

Function Arguments

Argument Description
newSettings An object literal containing a comma separated list of settings.


Tooltip Event Callbacks

There are 4 event callbacks that can be used,,, ui.tooltip.hide.before, and ui.tooltip.hide.after. The following script shows how to setup the event callbacks.

webui.ready( () => {
  tooltipContext1.on("", (e) => {
    // Take some action

  tooltipContext1.on("", (e) => {
    // Take some action

  tooltipContext1.on("ui.tooltip.hide.before", (e) => {
    // Take some action

  tooltipContext1.on("ui.tooltip.hide.after", (e) => {
    // Take some action